Discover Life After Loss: Stories of Resilience and Healing

Hi, my name is Mike.
I wrote a book called Uncollapsable Soul.
I help people just like you to
➔UNCOVER hope through heartbreak
➔ RECOVER their faith after falling,
➔ DISCOVER purpose from your calling.
Suffering doesn't DEFINE you.
It's meant to REFINE you.

We all get our hearts broken. But how do you heal so that a broken heart doesn't break your spirit?
On June 24, 2021 I lost my family matriarch when her building collapsed in the middle of the night. This photo was our harsh reality. Collapses happen to all of us in the form of a burial, betrayal, break-up, or bodily breakdown. We don’t get stronger from breaking, we get stronger from healing.
Proverbs 24:16 says, A righteous man falls 7 times, and rises again, but the wicked stumble in time of disaster & collapse. The righteous have faith that suffering isn't the end. An Uncollapsable Soul isn't immune to falling; they're immunite to collapse... They rise!
What if your calling often reveals itself through falling?
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I wrote Uncollapsable Soul to answer one question: How do you endure a broken heart without it crushing your spirit? A broken heart is part of life. When your world collapses around you, it’s usually from a severed relationship in 1 of 4 forms- a burial, betrayal, break-up, or a bodily breakdown. Although the pain of heartbreak is inevitable, the hopelessness of a crushed spirit is optional because you can be in a storm without the storm being in you!
We don’t get stronger in the breaking; we get stronger through healing. Healed people help other people heal. My hope is to help you find the message in your mess, hope through your heartbreak, and purpose from your pain. Your pain is bigger than you… Someone out there needs to hear your story of how you went from hoping for a miracle, to becoming a miracle! There's nothing more inspiring than a person who suffers through a collapse around them, but per severes because of the uncollapsable soul within them! YOU are called to be that person.
Your Soul was made to be Uncollapsable,
Mike Noriega